Thursday, September 03, 2015

MACP- II & III promotion orders issued.

Circle Office today has issued long awaited MACP -II & III orders vide memo no. ST/92-4/MACP-II&III/2014-15 dated 03.09.2015, to the following ASPs/IPs.

                                                                  MACP-III. ( Grade Pay Rs. 4800-)

1. Sri T.Isaiah ASP Warangal division w.e.f 07.01.2015,

2. Sri KBR Prasad ASP (Hqrs) Eluru division w.e.f 09.04.2014.

                                                                 MACP-II. (Grade Pay Rs.4600-)

1. Sri. Y. Srinivasnaik IP Shadnagar sub-dn Wanaparthy Dn w.e.f 29.04.2014,

2. Ms. Maruthimadhuvani IP Ongole (W) w.e.f 07.06.2014.

Association  conveys best wishes to the above officers on their promotion which will benefit them in the 7th pay commission. .